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Hairdressing Bag Back Pack
This salon bag is durable enough to withstand everyday use and frequent travel, but beautiful enough that you΄ll want to k..
Go Professional 1000 g 90 m x 30 cm
Go Professional Heavy Duty aluminum foil is intended for use by professionals who need a strong material to withs..
Foot care tool
Size: High temperature sterilizer for nail tools
Model number: CH-360T
Material: stainless steel
Type: sterilizer
Temperature: from 0 t..
Jack Taylor 3003 Barber Chair
Barber chair with hydraulic pump, adjustable seat height, back and headrest. Synchronized footrest and backrest adjustm..
Barber chair with hydraulic pump, adjustable seat height, back and headrest. Synchronized footrest and backrest adjustment.
Color: Green
Dimensions 5..
Barber chair with hydraulic pump, adjustable seat height, back and headrest. Synchronized footrest and backrest adjustment.
Color: Green
Dimensions: ..