Fluid Cleaning Wipes 3five FARCOM
Practical and effective way to remove stains created by dyeing on the skin, scented wipes that remove color quickly..
Bioshev Dye Skin Protector 75ml
Protects the skin from paint residues.
Before applying the paint, apply a thin layer on the contour of the face...
Color Stain Remover 100ml
Eliminates, color stains from skin. Use product just after hair coloring and while hair is still wet. Apply with cotton on ..
Kallos Color Remover Skin Cleansing KJMN 100ml
A preparation for removing pigment spots from the skin during hair coloring. Removes it gently and easi..
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Stain Remover Dalon Hairmony Micellar 300ml
Micellar lotion to clean the dye residue from the skin. Deeply cleanses without irritating the skin.